Friday, February 08, 2008

Forrester EA Conference DAY 1 Highlights

Well, the whole day started ff with the introduction from Gene Leganza from Forrester introducing the theme - Innovation. It does make sense since the role of enterprise Architects is truly at the "intersection of business and technology". This is a direct quote from gene. He went on to summarize the finding of a recent survey regarding he most important IT concepts/issues: 1. Agility, 2. Technical Support with all the others getting equal but less billing after that. the first issue is directly related to SOA in that agility is the capability to change quickly and efficiently.

Mike Gilpin from Forrester was up next with a talk on innovation stating that 'innovation should be simplifying". I would go on to summarize the idea itself should be simplifying even if the actual implementation is difficult. This stuff is not simple!

Michael kept mentioning the impact the recession might have on businesses adopting innovation ideas. It seems odd that this was brought up at all? He was optimistic regarding the capabilities inherent in innovative technology to help organizations pull through the down times. Hardly screaming optimism but practical advice I suppose.

Rapid, iterative development was espoused as a new best practice but of course it is tempered by Forrester suggesting that only some projects be given the mandate of not adhering to actual deliverable dates imposed arbitrarily when we all know that most projects should never have to undergo some effort estimate based development like we are plumbers or brick layers. We are more like artists, apply the craft of technology.

Here is a list of Innovation Adoptions best practices you can take home....

Hire/promote innovators, not police
Recruiting templates should add innovation as a skill set
Bring business leaders into EA
Immerse technology people into the business
Ensure there is an executive vision and that it is shared
Architecture teams work with business
Institute innovations labs with technology experimentation
Establish mentoring programs
Rapid prototyping
Manage and mine your idea portfolios
Take 3 perspectives: STO Strategic, Tactical, Operational
Market your efforts

Hub was great as the keynote speaker. It makes me proud to work for progress and I really hope he doesn’t read this since that’s not why I mention it. Simply put, if your executives are aligned with your overall vision, it makes doing your job that much more fun. Hub emphasize three more best practices that sum up the approach espoused by Progress Software:

Connect interactions freely
Mediate policy actively
Control semantics precisely

One interesting note is that Forrester has introduced a Vendor agnostic tend tool, similar and yet complimentary to the Wave. It is called Tech Radar and it predicts trends in technologies areas trying to predict which trend or fad will make it or break it. Plotting each trend related to the adoption maturity curve.

Got to get come sleep. We took a few good friends to the gaslight district of San Diego and had a blast. That’s the perks of this job - the people are great! Did I tell you we are hiring. Perhaps not? Keep Progress in mind if you like cool technology and working with bright and enlightened technologists. A winning combination.

Stay tuned for DAY 2. I think we are going back across the border?

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Forrester EA Conference San Diego Feb2008

Well, a new beginning for the SOA Ninja. It has been a little while since I last wrote a BLOG entry. In fact, it was Nashville at the Gartner Integration and EA conference. Since then, I have joined Progress Software and since they are platinum sponsors of this conference and it's so close to Tijuana, I thought it appropriate to attend. With that out of the way, I will start with some suggestions.

7Feb Track Suggestions:

9:30 Don't miss the keynote from my CTO Hub Vandervoort. He has a great e-book on Socially Oriented Architecture as well. SOA rebranded!

10:15 meet me in the Technology Showcase, checking out the Vendor booths.

11:00 TRACK B - The Critical Importance of Business Context to Architecture Initiatives, Kyle McNabb, Forrester Analyst.

1:15 CONSELLATION A - IDS Scheer - Enabling EA (I like their products. They have a good story regarding SAP configuration design).

1:55 TRACK C - The Architecture of Dynamic Business Applications, Randy Heffner, Forrester Analyst.

After that, you are on your own. I will check in later today and BLOG key findings from these presentations. Stay tuned. Here are a few random observations already:

- San Diego is a border town and the sound of the gates at the border clacking was odd, especially the long cement corridor posing as a border. No inspections, just walk and be observed. Easy as pie. Coming back is a bit of a challenge but not like Canadian Customs.

- If anyone asks, yes, it’s a real Rolex. At least that’s what they said when I bought it.

- SOA has reached general acceptance. The concepts are riddled throughout the agenda. Very cool! I hope it's not just a passing fad or at least lessons are learned along the way.

The SOA Ninja

IC Calgary Chapter Breakfast 20Feb:
Blackbelt SOA Training 3-7Mar:
IC Enterprise Architecture and Integration Summit 12-13May:
Progress Exchange 2008 Paris 8-11Jun: